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The Power Of A Positive Mindset

Writer's picture: Melinated MommyMelinated Mommy

By: Vanessa Taylor

Talk about multitasking! You are literally everything to those precious children of yours right now. No jimboree to take them to to let them run around. Later to play dates. Your tweens and teens feel like they are on house arrest. Even something as simple as going to the park we can no longer take for granted. On top of that you’re managing work, your relationship, and maybe even facing financial hardships. No matter what you are going through, just know that you are not alone. The pressures of today’s pandemic can certainly cause you to start questioning your own sanity! But your frame of mind can be the key in how you persevere.

Yes, it’s overwhelming being a mom right now. But as women we have some strength in us that comes out in times like these that we may not have even known existed. We can’t allow ourselves to succumb to the stress. Thinking positively can get you through alot right now. When you shift your focus from thinking repeatedly about the bad and start focusing on solutions and positive outcomes, your whole perspective changes. The truth is that when something is troubling us, we tend to think about the problem on repeat. This turns into a thought virus. It brings on stress, anxiety, unhappiness, and depression. Our mind is powerful and our thoughts dictate our mood and our actions. We can’t effectively engage with our kids or in our relationships like this. Change your mindset. Change your perspective.

Ways To Change Your Thinking

Affirmations is a great way to start your day and set your frame of mind for what’s to come. Tell yourself you are strong. You are enough. And that you will get through this (whatever ‘this’ is for you!)

Being thankful is one that I use every single day. At the end of the night I say a prayer and I literally list the things in my head that I am so thankful for despite all the chaos and uncertainty in life right now.

Talk about it by finding one person you trust to vent to or getting a therapist. Releasing all those negative thoughts can help you feel better. Then you can start focusing on solutions.

Be aware of your thoughts and immediately replace worry and stress with more positive thinking. Think of that silver lining and remember to focus on resolutions.

Stay present and focus on the here and now. Worrying about later or tomorrow won’t help you get through the task at hand. Focus on getting through parts of the day and give yourself credit for everything you accomplish- no matter how small.


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