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Writer's picture: Melinated MommyMelinated Mommy

Updated: Jan 14, 2020

The pain that keeps on giving....until they grow all their teeth lol

My daughter is currently teething and its stressful. She is cranky quite often and she needs to be busy in order to stay calm.

....shes only been on earth for 6 months, shes still adapting...

My daughter has been on me like white on rice lately! She has been more cranky than usual. This teething phase really hit me and my boyfriend upside our heads, hard! We were just coming from the short phase of her sleep being deprived during month 4 and 5 because she didn't want to miss the parties mommy and daddy have when she's sleep.

Her naps were so short I was forgetting they even occurred. I had to really sit and think about how much sleep she was getting to make sure I didn't need to contact her doctor and see about trying melatonin (which is something that your doctor can give you or you can buy over the counter and it helps your child sleep).

I noticed that she can't sit for even a little while with out whining and that wasn't how it was a few weeks ago. My daughter does lots of drooling now. My daughter also purses her lips together and blows air and spit out of her mouth which causes so much spit to come out her mouth it makes a foamy line above her top lip. Ewwww. This is when I knew for sure my daughter was teething and looking for relief. I try to keep her teething toys in the fridge and the freezer, so that when she gets her toys they are cold and soothing for her sore gums. The cold teething toys keep her quiet for a little while.

Another things that works immediately is taking her for a walk in her stroller or the baby carrier I have. She loves to look all around while I push her in the stroller. She never looks bored and its because shes only been on earth for 6 months and shes still adapting and learning. So many things are still new and fascinating to her and this is something that takes her mind off of her sore gums for a moment. Lastly I have the secret that every driving parent knows which is a car ride and the right song. This will put your baby right out or at least calm them down. Hopefully you are not stuck in traffic or this will not work lol!

Most of all I know I need to have patience with her because those screeching cries or the non stop whining can send mommy running from the room and diving for cover behind the living room couch lol. However, my little one is in much discomfort and I have to try different things to get her in a better mood.

Breast feeding and teething

I personally do not feel as though you need to ween your child from the breast as soon as they start teething. Breastfeeding/ nursing soothes your baby so much. For myself, I noticed that my daughter gives me an indicator letting me know she is no longer interested in eating and that is when she starts to play with the nipple. Now that she is teething I do not allow this at all. As soon as she stretches her head to look at the tv or she tries pulling at my nipple to look away I just remove it from her mouth all together. I have learned that once she begins showing less interest in eating she will start biting down on my nipple which is super painful. Once she gets more teeth I will ween her off the nipple and continue to pump breastmilk for her until she is 1 years old.

Teething is not a one time phase since our little people have a whole little mouth to fill with teeth. Look out for the signs they are teething and prepare yourself. Lots of patience and redirecting their focus is helpful or at least it has been for me.

Always try plan making. You may not always be able to follow your plans as desired but it helps with sorting out your thoughts and plans.


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